Heroes of the Storm

Homepage redesign for Blizzard’s MOBA Heroes of the storm


When I joined the Heroes of the Storm web team, they weren’t sure if the homepage was helping players find what they were looking for. Did we really know what they were looking for? And who were the primary users coming to the site? I worked with our Program Manager, the design team, and our User Research team to collect our questions and assumptions.


Heroes of the Storm

Blizzard Entertainment


UX Design

UI Design



Heroes of the Storm Homepage

I paired up with another designer and created a prototype with different hypotheses we wanted to test with users. After five interviews, we had a clear idea of what players were looking for and together we began designing a new homepage. This is where we first encountered trouble.

I thought it would be fine for multiple designers to work on the same thing at the same time, but it was a little messy. Which version should we use? Which version is better? How do we integrate different concepts into something cohesive? My partner and I kept running into disagreements and it was causing negative feelings, so we took a walk outside.

We discussed how this process was making us feel bad in ways we didn’t expect, especially since we respected each other so much as designers. We decided it didn’t make sense to pick one design over another, battling each other over sections. Instead, we each claimed different sections of the homepage and worked on them individually, then worked together to bring everything into a cohesive design. It was great teamwork, built a lot of trust between us, and created a final design neither of us could have done alone.